Thursday, May 28, 2009

Day 3 of Summer Vacation

Bryan and I enjoyed an evening outdoors.

Hot dogs and Wavy Lays.

Yes, our patio furniture includes a bird bath with a Rubbermaid container lid on it.

Another story worth sharing:
I'm volunteering at the Lutheran church this week for their Vacation Bible School. I lead the 4-6th graders and it's been quite entertaining. Today, a young boy (not in kindergarten yet) came late and he had some "treasures" in his hands. So I asked him about it.

"What did you bring today?"
"This is a doctor's hat"
"Oh, wow, and what else do you have?"
"A sucker."
"And what's in that container?"
"The bead I stuck up my nose."

He was late because he was brought to the ER to remove the bead (from the previous day's VBS craft) he had lodged in his nose. He survived and was the main attraction that day with older kids commenting, "Did you see that bead?" "Yeah, man, it was totally up his nose." "Gross."

Saturday, May 23, 2009

That Queen's Hot

My school year ended on Friday...and I'm left with this gem of memory from the 7th grade class. They did a project with their science fiction unit where they had to create a World of the Future (culture, transportation, education, environment, inhabitants, the whole nine yards) and they all did a really great job and were very creative. I decided to video tape them and I let the kids do the recording of each other. This particular clip comes from one of the really well done projects. A boy in the class was recording and he was standing off by himself (no one else around) and he decided to give his commentary about the ruler of their World of the Future. I laugh every time I see it; I hope I'm not the only one who appreciates this, but, really, when you catch anyone talking to themselves it's humorous, and when it's a 7th grade boy on camera it's even better.