Friday, July 17, 2009

My Mom taught me...

I'm trying to get things organized around here before school starts. Organizing means post-its, and I have been going through them rapidly (especially the large rectanglular lined ones that are perfect for list-making). I just ran out of my favorite aforementioned post-its and looked in the desk drawer and found a a whole never-been-opened package! It reminded me of home! My mom ALWAYS has post-its. I'm pretty sure the post-it trait isn't hereditary, so thanks mom for teaching me to buy lots of post-its.


  1. organization is inherited, just ask "a place for everything and everything in its place bumpa."

  2. YIKES!!!!! You're welcome. Goodness, from a teacher

  3. HAHAHA! :)

    I totally seconded you, but I'm pinching pennies currently, so I'm cutting up papers to use as a post-its.

    It's not the same.

    Post-its really has its way to motivate you.

    Must be its stickiness.
