Monday, November 30, 2009

Happy Cyber Monday

There is a perk to living in the middle of nowhere - shopping from the comfort of the office and not feeling guilty about shipping....because it's Cyber Monday and because it would cost me that much in gas to get to a shopping mecca with as many options as Amazon.
I'm enjoying seeing my order confirmations roll into my email inbox and checking the tracking numbers to see the various stops that my packages are making on their way to Cando.
I lamented not living near a Target when we first moved here; I may have found a suitable least for holiday shopping.

In other condo news: Bryan bought a replacement paper shredder. He broke the first one after trying to put too many papers through. He did try really hard to fix it, but it was a goner. He brought the new one home, placed it on the counter and proclaimed, "Deuce!" Struck me funny. He's much more conservative with the allotment of paper he puts through deuce.


  1. I totally know what you mean about trying to feed too much paper in a shredder. I frequently jammed my paper shredder to the point it just frustrated me to shred. My papers stock piled until I decided to see what caused the frequent jams. Turns out I was feeding it too much and now I, likewise, limit how much I put in it at a time. Now document shredding doesn't frustrate me and I don't have frequent paper jams.

  2. :) Jared broke our paper shredder. I think it's the guy thing... feeling that they can get things done quicker.


    Affects the little gadgets that we own.

    I live IN town of Sioux Falls, and I still order things online. I don't like attacking Empire Mall on Saturdays or in the evenings. :) Feel tad bit better? :) Then again, Sioux Falls just opened a new Target on east side, and it really tickled me pink. It's just gorgeous, new kitchen appliances, cool new little office things designed by different people.

    I was in Target-Heaven. :)
